Excellent feedback from DIY SOS family re: soundbathe

The family have sent us this fantastic feedback regarding their soundbathe (Bluetooth bath speaker system) that we recently installed in their home, on the Isle of Sheppey:

“Well bath time in our house has never been so noisy and so much fun!!

Having a teenager in the house who LOVES music and baths, sure does make bath time a musical experience that the whole family has to listen too! Haydn loves his bath. Haydn loves to be in the bath for hours and you’ll hear him in the bathroom singing his heart out. Which usually means the rest of the house has to listen to him sing!

Curtis our youngest son, loves the fact that he can not only hear the music but he can also feel it, through the vibrations!”

BBC1 DIY SOS – Isle of Sheppey programme will be aired later this year.



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